Back to topData Security.
We keep your data secure by restricting access using firewalls and only accessible using the WinWeb Portal. Login to the Portal is secured using encrypted passwords and two factor authentication (2FA).
Physically Secure Server Location
A major part of data Security is physical Security of servers and data with Secure Access procedures.
Advanced Fire-protection
All servers are housed in a fully air-conditioned and cleaned air environment, coupled with an automatic fire prevention, detection and extinguisher system to keep your data as Safe as possible.
Server Management
All servers are monitored by trained specialists 24/7. This way we do not only rely on automated systems to watch over security of your data.
Virus & Spam Protection
Anti-spam and anti-virus applications minimise the annoyance of this kind of online behavior. This kind of technology is in constant flux and requires constant attention and upgrades to our systems. To maximize these efforts we employ multiple and diverse systems.
Multi-location Hosting
Just because you never know what disaster may happen tomorrow, we use multiple secure locations to back up all your data on a continuous basis, enabling business continuity to the highest possible degree.
Multiple Firewalls
Multiple firewalls for your data protection, robust stateful inspection, application layer security and Denial-of-Service attack protection. Using state-of-the-art security technology is part of the WinWeb experience.
We Are Online 99.999% Of The Time
Multiple Power sources and battery back system enable us to deliver an SLA of 99.999%.
SSL, Passwords And Data Encryption
All external access to WinWeb and servers is via SSL – Secure Socket Layer only. All of your data is readable only after a login/password challenge, otherwise not by us or any third party due to our data encryption technology. Only you can give access to your data.
RAID Data Storage
Hi-Speed data storage is used to ensure optimum performance, ideal for data-base driven applications like WinWeb.